In the heart of Bressingham, Norfolk, there stands a place of spiritual significance and architectural wonder – St. John The Baptist’s. This cherished place of worship is on the brink of a magnificent transformation. We are excited to announce our upcoming restoration project that will breathe new life into this historical treasure.

Project Description

The St. John The Baptist’s Restoration Project is a testament to our commitment to craftsmanship and heritage preservation. Here’s an insight into the key elements of this remarkable endeavor:

  1. Removal of Existing Lead: The journey begins with the careful removal of the existing lead. This meticulous process unveils the underlying structure and sets the stage for a comprehensive restoration.
  2. Timber Repairs to the Roof Structure: Over time, the roof structure can require attention. Timber repairs will be undertaken to ensure the structural integrity of the roof, marrying historical charm with modern standards of safety and durability.
  3. Installation of New Steel Flitch Plates: Enhancing the roof’s strength and stability is vital. New steel flitch plates will be installed as part of the project, providing robust support for the roof structure.
  4. Timber Board Repairs: Detailed attention to timber board repairs is essential to maintain the integrity of the roofing system. This meticulous work ensures that the new roofing materials will have a solid foundation.
  5. Installation of New Sand Cast Code 7 Lead: The crowning achievement of this restoration project is the installation of new sand cast code 7 lead. This durable, authentic material not only enhances the roof’s longevity but also maintains the chapel’s historical authenticity.

Preserving Heritage Through Restoration

St. John The Baptist’s is not just a chapel; it’s a living artifact of Bressingham’s past. Our commitment to this project is driven by a profound respect for this history and an unwavering dedication to preserving it.
