It is with great pleasure that we announce our latest project, a small yet significant endeavor at the esteemed King’s College in Cambridge. As stewards of heritage conservation, we are honored to have been entrusted with this opportunity to contribute to the preservation of such an iconic institution.

Project Overview:

The scope of our work at King’s College entails a meticulous restoration and repair process aimed at maintaining the structural integrity and historical authenticity of the architectural elements. Specifically, our focus will be on the restoration of the decorative lead rainwater goods and pipes, both integral components of the college’s rich heritage.

Take Down and Repair of Decorative Lead Rainwater Goods:

One of the primary tasks of this project involves the careful dismantling, repair, and reinstatement of the sand cast decorative lead rainwater goods adorning the porch of King’s College. These ornate fixtures not only serve a functional purpose in channeling rainwater away from the building but also contribute to the visual splendor of the architectural ensemble. Our skilled craftsmen will undertake this delicate task with precision and care, ensuring that the original charm and character of the leadwork are preserved for generations to come.

Removal and Refixing of Decorative Lead Rainwater Pipes:

In addition to the porch, our attention will also be directed towards the removal and refixing of sand cast lead decorative rainwater pipes along the aisle clerestory of the college. These intricate pipes not only serve a practical function in directing rainwater but also serve as exquisite examples of craftsmanship and architectural ornamentation. Our team will approach this task with the utmost respect for the historical significance of the pipes, ensuring that each one is reinstalled with the same level of craftsmanship and attention to detail as its original placement.